Statement on Violence in Myanmar
FABC Statement on Violence in Myanmar
We are deeply concerned with the violence in Myanmar. This is a long standing conflict regarding nationalistic and ethnic issues and has caused much suffering for decades.
The Buddha teaches non-harm and those practicing acts of violence are not practicing the teachings of the Buddha.
There has been much media reports about this issue and some of which are not entirely accurate. To promote religious harmony and peace in Australia, there should be responsible reporting, no disinformation or misinformation that could spark more hatred and disharmony, especially here.
We appeal to all Australians to support this humanitarian problem with humanitarian aid to the victims.
16 Sep 2017
Donate to UNHCR
2017 Federal Parliamentary Interfaith Breakfast
Ms Cecilia Mitra, President of the Federation of Australian Buddhist Councils, sharing the Ten Buddhist Principles of Governance at the 2017 Federal Parliamentary Interfaith Breakfast on 9 August at the National Press Club Conference, Canberra. Guest Speakers at the event include: The Hon Malcolm Turnbull MP, Prime Minister of Australia The Hon Bill Shorten MP, Leader of the Opposition; and Senator Richard Di Natale, Leader of the Australian Greens.
Vesak 2017 Message from PM Malcolm Turnbull
Vesak Day 2017 recognised at Federal Parliament
Vesak for the first time was celebrated at the Parliament House Canberra on 10 May 2017. It was hosted by Senator the Hon. Zed Seleja Asst Minister for Multicultural Interests. Sen. Seselja read out the Vesak message by the Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull. This was followed by a speech by Ajahn Brahm representing the Australian Sangha Association. President Ms Cecilia Mitra, spoke on behalf of the Federation of Australian Buddhist Councils.
Please share this video on your own websites. Thank-you.
Vesak 2017 Celebrations in Western Australia
This year we feature some photos and videos of activities that were held in April and May of this year in Perth, Western Australia by various Buddhist organisations in Perth.
Faith leaders call for stop to Galilee Basin coal
Federal government support for the Adani Group’s proposed Carmichael coalmine is the target of an open letter released today, signed by prominent leaders from Australia’s faith communities, including Uniting Church, Buddhists, Quakers and Catholic.
Dear Minister Frydenberg
As leaders in our diverse faith traditions, we feel compelled to challenge those responsible for Australia’s current climate and energy policies. In particular, we declare the proposal to provide public money to fund mining infrastructure in the Galilee Basin to be morally wrong.
The reality of human-caused climate change is settled science. Now it is time for action. We believe that people of goodwill must work together to reduce greenhouse gas emissions as a matter of emergency, and to prepare for the inevitable consequences of the climate disruption already caused by earlier decisions.