Buddhist Statement on Live Export Trade of Animals
The Buddhist community of Australia believes that the live export of animals for slaughter is needless and cruel, and we call for an immediate and permanent ban on this trade.
Recently the ABC on its 4 Corner’s program, screened a shocking expose on how Australian cattle are being slaughtered in Indonesia. The conditions in the slaughter house were cruel and incomprehensible. For example in one scene an animal broke its leg on the slippery floor and was simply unable to move. But despite this the helpless animal was subjected to repeated abuse. In another scene an animal was filmed trembling with abject fear because it had been forced to watch the slow and clumsy slaughter and dismemberment of its fellow cattle as the animal awaited its own fate.
We would also like to thank the Prime Minister for her letter of support for United Nations Day of Vesak 2011 which was observed in Bangkok 11-14 May 2011. You can read her message here.
This year Vesak Day falls on the 17th of May, the full moon night of May that Buddhists commerate the birth, enlightenment and final nirvana of the historical Buddha Gautama who lived in India 2,600 years ago.
The Prime Minister Julia Gillard has sent a Vesak message to the Buddhist community via the Federation of Australian Buddhist Councils. We thank the PM for the following message: