UPDATE: Please sign the Online Petition which now has signatures from over 80 countries!
Promoting Gender Equality and Empowering Women is No. 3 on the list of eight declared United Nations (UN) Millennium Development Goals, and is strongly supported by the FABC.
One of Australia's senior monks, Ajahn Brahm, was invited to deliver a speech on Gender Equality at the UN Day of Vesak Convention in Vietnam in May 2014. Unfortunately, Ajahn Brahm was prevented from delivering his speech by a ban imposed by conference organising committee the day before it was due to be given at the Convention. Ajahn Brahm's paper had been pre-approved by the conference organising committee several months before the event.
The FABC and Australian Buddhist communities are very disappointed at this missed opportunity to promote the important issue of Gender Equality at an international Buddhist event to celebrate the most important day in the Buddhist calendar.
UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon's message on Vesak Day
On Vesak Day, which marks the birth, enlightenment and passing of the Buddha, the United Nations joins millions of people -- Buddhists and non-Buddhists alike -- in reflecting on his life and teachings.
The Buddha’s message of peace, compassion and love for all living beings tells us to open our hearts and embrace all members of our human family, especially those in need. These timeless teachings can help guide governments and the international community.
Requirements For Registered Marriage Celebrants (RMC) Applicants
• It is desirable for the applicant to be over 40 years of age.
• The applicant must be an Australian Citizen and reside in Australia or an Australian Permanent Resident of at least three years duration.
• The applicant must be a practicing Buddhist.