I would like to thank the committee for electing me as President this year. It has been an honour to be the President of the FABC and as one of the founders, I have always felt that there was a great need for a national organisation that could bring diverse Buddhists in Australia together. Some of the highlights of the year include making a submission to the Minister for Immigration on religious workers visas and in representing the view that religious organisations should not have the right to discriminate against their staff on the basis of protected characteristics. I believe that many of the provisions that were campaigned for in relation to religious workers visas are likely to come into law, although with the change of Minister it is my understanding that this has not been bedded down. Regarding supporting anti-discrimination, this discussion has been shelved until after the next election.
Other than that it is always an achievement when diverse people in different states are able to work together on issues of common interest and we have achieved that. There is an existential issue about the viability of continuing the FABC without expanding its membership base to include national organisations as well as Buddhist councils, but this discussion has stalled and it will be up to the next committee to determine whether the FABC grows or dies. I hope that some sort of national organisation continues to exist, but I believe it will have to take a new form in order to be viable. I realise others disagree.
So thank you for the opportunity to be the President this year. I wish everybody good health and happiness.
Dr Diana Cousens, OAM
President, Federation of Australian Buddhist Council